Brief Mindful Moment at the Barn: Aromatherapy and Your Horse

This particular mindfulness exercise may not be what you think. While there are various ways to incorporate essential oils into the care and upkeep of your horses for physical and emotional well being, they are not the focus of this brief mindful moment. Rather, this moment is about resting in the special scent that makes your horse uniquely them. Horse lovers have all done this at one time or the other. This exercise is a…

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A Mindful Experience

Being able to notice the present moment, just the way it is, can create opportunities to live life to the fullest. This particular way of noticing is something that can be practiced at any time and in any place. One brings intention to the process of noticing present-moment experience without forcing anything to be different than it is. We recently had the opportunity to visit a generous and kind family in the UK and spend…

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A Mindfulness Moment: Noticing Your Breathing

Breathing exercises are a common prescription for emotional wellness, whether to help with focus, grounding oneself in the present environment, to reduce anxiety or to relax. Mindfulness exercises are not solely for relaxation; rather, they are a way to train our minds to be fully attentive to whatever is happening right now, with an attitude of being curious and accepting of reality as it is. Sometimes the practice of paying mindful attention (or being mindfully…

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