Riverbanks and the Mindful Attitude of Letting Go

Today we offer a visual illustration to describe the process of observing things happening as they happen. This is a common metaphor from different psychotherapies, called the Riverbank Metaphor. The next time you’d like to notice, or are already noticing, intense thoughts or emotions coursing through you, try this practice to reinforce the process of observing your thoughts without getting caught up or overwhelmed in them. We also include a related excerpt from our book…

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Reflection on Mindful Attitudes: Trust & Letting Go

We would like to reflect today on the Mindful Attitudes of Trust and Letting Go. Like the other Mindful Attitudes, including Compassion, Non-judgment and Beginner’s Mind, these attitudes are more than just ways in which to pay attention to the present moment. They are signposts for how to experience life. When you allow yourself to wholly absorb the events of “right now”, and embrace all life has to offer (i.e. the good and the bad),…

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Navigating Chaos Using The Mindful Attitudes

There are days when everything is in flow and there are days when you have no clue what the Universe is trying to teach you. Horses present many opportunities for you to learn how to navigate chaos. As you drop into spending time with them, you can never quite predict how things will go. Sure, you may have an idea, especially if this is a horse you know well and you’ve learned his or her…

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