Guest Author Stephanie Dewes on Balance

Today we have the pleasure of sharing an article by Stephanie Dewes, an accomplished equestrian and equine therapist who owns and manages the Miracle Mile Equine Center. In this article, she writes of the impact that balance, in all its various forms, holds in a meaningful horse-human relationship. Stephanie’s Bio: Thank you for inviting me to write for your blog! I was introduced to the horse industry at a young age and have remained active…

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Exploring Mindfulness with Our Horses

Thank you for joining us as we share our impressions and experiences of being in the mindful moment with our horses. We are Shreyasi and Frank Brodhecker. We started this blog as a forum for horse lovers seeking ways to be in the present moment and practice everyday mindfulness at their favourite place- in the barn or out in the pasture. Mindfulness has evolved into its own movement and, although there are several definitions, we…

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