Feeling Emotions Around Your Horse

Feeling intense emotions when you are in your horse’s presence can sometimes be confusing. Intuitively, it is more comfortable to express joy or excitement around them. However, what about when you feel anxious or frustrated or sad? Are these emotions we should shield from them? Although horses are sentient beings and we don’t endorse having emotional outbursts near them for their physical and psychological safety, there are benefits in being honest and open about your…

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Mindfulness Exercise: Awareness of Emotions

Our last blog post included an reflection by Thich Nhat Hanh on using mindfulness to transform feelings. Here is an exercise excerpt from our upcoming book project Sharing The Now: Mindfulness Exercises To Enhance the Connection With Your Horse which offers guidance on intentionally paying attention to what you are feeling in the present moment, to be attempted on your own. We have divided the exercise to flow naturally in two phases, followed by a…

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Mindful Guides Series: Transforming Emotions, Thich Nhat Hanh

Another excerpt from “Peace is Every Step- The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life” is this exercise about transforming emotions (called feelings in this excerpt). Neither this blog nor our upcoming book project Sharing The Now: Mindfulness Exercises to Enhance the Connection with Your Horse are meant to replace psychotherapy or other in-depth exploration of your emotions or mental anguish. However, experiencing intense emotions is a part of life and one learns to pay attention…

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