Mindful Guides Series: A Poem on Mindful Living by Mary Oliver

In the spirit of illustrating the essence of being tuned in to the present moment with acceptance and openness to whatever arises, here is another poem that highlights the mindful attitudes of compassion and beginner’s mind. Notice what you see, hear, taste, smell and touch, as you navigate the world around you. Notice what you feel inside, however it may be, in terms of emotions, thoughts and body sensations. Rather than judging what you notice,…

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Mindful Guides Series: Self-Compassion, Kristin Neff

Dr. Kristin Neff, an Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, has a wonderful website on self-compassion highlighting this important Mindful Attitude. Here is an excerpt on her definition of self-compassion – what it is and what it isn’t. This material was reprinted from the website of Dr. Kristin Neff:  www.self-compassion.org. Stay tuned later this week for a personal reflection on how self-compassion can be a restorative and transformative attitude to bear when…

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Compassion sometimes means taking a break for yourself

We reflected the other day on how important it can be to notice whatever is arising in the present moment, while staying gentle with yourself during the noticing. Sometimes it means taking a break and staying kind with yourself even during times of disappointment. Things happen unexpectedly and, despite best intentions, sometimes it isn’t realistic to spend the time with your horse that day. It could be due to a scheduling issue, change of weather,…

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Reflection on Mindful Attitudes: Acceptance and Compassion

What does it mean when we practice being accepting and compassionate when we stay mindfully aware of what is happening in the present moment? Maintaining these two attitudes during mindfulness practices means that you aren’t fighting with the way things actually are. Acceptance and compassion will help you notice what is happening, note that it may not be ideal or what you had expected, but still decide to work with it anyway. Being attentive to…

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Navigating Chaos Using The Mindful Attitudes

There are days when everything is in flow and there are days when you have no clue what the Universe is trying to teach you. Horses present many opportunities for you to learn how to navigate chaos. As you drop into spending time with them, you can never quite predict how things will go. Sure, you may have an idea, especially if this is a horse you know well and you’ve learned his or her…

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Being Authentic

What does authenticity mean to each and every one of us? This is an important discussion to have at the start of a new creative project. It can also be helpful to check in with oneself every now and then to explore whether one is being authentic in various parts of life. How can one know if he or she is being authentic? There is no single answer for this. In our perspective, when we…

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