Mindful Guides Series: Conscious Breathing, Thich Nhat Hanh

Continuing with another brief exercise from our Mindful Guide Series, here is a reflection on Conscious Breathing from mindfulness teacher Thich Nhat Hanh. Sometimes the simplest things help to anchor one’s awareness into the present again, taking one away from being overly preoccupied with thoughts of the past, apprehensions or anticipation of the future, or anything else that may be disconnecting from what is happening right here, right now. This is an excerpt from “Peace…

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A Mindful Reflection: Learning to Be With Your Horse

Take a moment to breathe with your horse. What does this mean? It is meant to be fairly natural and something you take for granted when spending time with horses. What we invite you to do here is to slow down and observe the moments as they happen in real time. The next time you’re with your horse, take a moment to pause and feel the bodily sensations of your breathing. How does it feel…

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