Reflection on Mindful Attitudes: Trust & Letting Go

We would like to reflect today on the Mindful Attitudes of Trust and Letting Go. Like the other Mindful Attitudes, including Compassion, Non-judgment and Beginner’s Mind, these attitudes are more than just ways in which to pay attention to the present moment. They are signposts for how to experience life. When you allow yourself to wholly absorb the events of “right now”, and embrace all life has to offer (i.e. the good and the bad),…

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A Mindfulness Moment: A Focusing and Grounding Exercise

In this Mindfulness Moment, we describe a focusing exercise that you can use at any time of the day. Particularly when you are heading out to the barn, it is helpful to tune in to yourself before going near horses. This exercise helps prepare you to notice with intention, and to stay receptive and mindful of the horse’s safety and your own. Horses pick up on our internal states; this ability to detect our inner…

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