Guest Author Desiree Sieben on Slowing Down

Desiree Sieben is an avid rider, registered yoga teacher, mindfulness coach and personal trainer. She also has a background in animal health, as a Registered Veterinary Technologist. Through her business – Mane Equestrian Athletics – she supports the equestrian community with her teaching and promotion of rider fitness and wellness. In 2015 my world was turned upside down when I suddenly lost my horse. It was a partnership in which I had a lot more…

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Our Horses

Arya in a groundwork lesson with Shreyasi and Hawkstone Stables instructor, Rhonda Bignell Please take a moment to read through our descriptions of the horses in our herd, by clicking on the “Our Herd” tab in the menu. We are grateful to know all these horses and we wouldn’t be able to learn or reflect or grow through love without them!

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What is mindfulness about anyway?

This post is intended to facilitate a conceptual starting point for everyone reading this blog. All of us have experienced what it means to be mindfully aware and, as you read through these descriptions, reflect on when you might have had such experiences. It may have been when you had a particularly joyous moment with someone you care about, you were listening to a piece of music or saw a piece of art that resonated…

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Being Authentic

What does authenticity mean to each and every one of us? This is an important discussion to have at the start of a new creative project. It can also be helpful to check in with oneself every now and then to explore whether one is being authentic in various parts of life. How can one know if he or she is being authentic? There is no single answer for this. In our perspective, when we…

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Exploring Mindfulness with Our Horses

Thank you for joining us as we share our impressions and experiences of being in the mindful moment with our horses. We are Shreyasi and Frank Brodhecker. We started this blog as a forum for horse lovers seeking ways to be in the present moment and practice everyday mindfulness at their favourite place- in the barn or out in the pasture. Mindfulness has evolved into its own movement and, although there are several definitions, we…

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