Navigating Chaos Using The Mindful Attitudes

There are days when everything is in flow and there are days when you have no clue what the Universe is trying to teach you. Horses present many opportunities for you to learn how to navigate chaos. As you drop into spending time with them, you can never quite predict how things will go. Sure, you may have an idea, especially if this is a horse you know well and you’ve learned his or her…

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Horse Time, by Karen Jones Motivational Horsemanship

Today, we have the privilege of sharing the reflections of Karen Jones of Motivational Horsemanship. Shreyasi crossed paths with Karen when they connected over their Lipizzan Rescue Foundation rescue Lipizzans, Arya and Rhett. Karen has a wonderful Facebook page, website and blog devoted to her principles of motivational horsemanship, and to her specific experiences connecting with Rhett. We came across this article in our email inbox today and she kindly provided us permission to re-post…

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A Mindfulness Moment At The Barn: Watching Your Horse

Here is the first of our Mindfulness Moments at The Barn series. We will post exercises loosely adapted from the Mindfulness Exercises included in our book project, Sharing The Now: Mindfulness Exercises to Enhance The Connection With Your Horse. Most of us already do these things at various times of the day. The exercises are designed to invite you to incorporate such moments the next time you are at the barn. We invite you to…

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Horses are Our Mindful Role Models

Did you know that horses, and animals in general, can be role models for what it means to live mindfully? Mindful awareness is a term that describes the state of living in the present moment, where we pay attention to what is happening right now just as it is. This sounds simple, but can be incredibly hard to do depending on what is being noticed. Depending on the particular instant in time, paying close attention…

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A Mindfulness Moment: Visual Awareness Exercise

This is the start of an ongoing series, in which we describe simple exercises to incorporate moments of mindful awareness into your everyday activities. Some of the series’ exercises will offer opportunities to incorporate mindful moments at the barn, and they will be differentiated by the subheading, A Mindfulness Moment at the Barn. The exercises may feel similar to guided exercises you’ve encountered in other sources of mindfulness teachings. When applicable, we will identify excerpts…

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Exploring Mindfulness with Our Horses

Thank you for joining us as we share our impressions and experiences of being in the mindful moment with our horses. We are Shreyasi and Frank Brodhecker. We started this blog as a forum for horse lovers seeking ways to be in the present moment and practice everyday mindfulness at their favourite place- in the barn or out in the pasture. Mindfulness has evolved into its own movement and, although there are several definitions, we…

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