A Mindfulness Moment: Noticing Your Breathing

Breathing exercises are a common prescription for emotional wellness, whether to help with focus, grounding oneself in the present environment, to reduce anxiety or to relax. Mindfulness exercises are not solely for relaxation; rather, they are a way to train our minds to be fully attentive to whatever is happening right now, with an attitude of being curious and accepting of reality as it is. Sometimes the practice of paying mindful attention (or being mindfully…

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Horses are Our Mindful Role Models

Did you know that horses, and animals in general, can be role models for what it means to live mindfully? Mindful awareness is a term that describes the state of living in the present moment, where we pay attention to what is happening right now just as it is. This sounds simple, but can be incredibly hard to do depending on what is being noticed. Depending on the particular instant in time, paying close attention…

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A Mindfulness Moment: Visual Awareness Exercise

This is the start of an ongoing series, in which we describe simple exercises to incorporate moments of mindful awareness into your everyday activities. Some of the series’ exercises will offer opportunities to incorporate mindful moments at the barn, and they will be differentiated by the subheading, A Mindfulness Moment at the Barn. The exercises may feel similar to guided exercises you’ve encountered in other sources of mindfulness teachings. When applicable, we will identify excerpts…

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Being Authentic

What does authenticity mean to each and every one of us? This is an important discussion to have at the start of a new creative project. It can also be helpful to check in with oneself every now and then to explore whether one is being authentic in various parts of life. How can one know if he or she is being authentic? There is no single answer for this. In our perspective, when we…

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Exploring Mindfulness with Our Horses

Thank you for joining us as we share our impressions and experiences of being in the mindful moment with our horses. We are Shreyasi and Frank Brodhecker. We started this blog as a forum for horse lovers seeking ways to be in the present moment and practice everyday mindfulness at their favourite place- in the barn or out in the pasture. Mindfulness has evolved into its own movement and, although there are several definitions, we…

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