Horse Human Relationship Horse Mindfulness Horses and Healing Mindfulness

A Mindful Reflection: Learning to Be With Your Horse

Take a moment to breathe with your horse. What does this mean? It is meant to be fairly natural and something you take for granted when spending time with horses. What we invite you to do here is to slow down and observe the moments as they happen in real time.

Just BE With Your Horse; Photograph of Katelyn Carter and BH Sandman at Free Rein Ranch, courtesy of Next To Wild Photography

The next time you’re with your horse, take a moment to pause and feel the bodily sensations of your breathing. How does it feel to breathe air in and out? Where do you notice this in your body? Can you stay attentive to these bodily sensations from one moment to the next? Paying attention in this way reminds you that each breath is unique from the one before and the one after. Stay mindfully aware as you notice each of your breaths in this way.

Now, start to notice what your horse is doing. They are also breathing in their own way. Observe their breathing pattern. Then, take a minute to reflect on how you breathe together. This is one of the many things you and your horse do together. Rest for a few minutes as you notice you and your horse breathing together. If it feels natural and comfortable to you both, you can also touch your horse briefly during this time. Just BE together in this way.