This particular mindfulness exercise may not be what you think. While there are various ways to incorporate essential oils into the care and upkeep of your horses for physical and emotional well being, they are not the focus of this brief mindful moment. Rather, this moment is about resting in the special scent that makes your horse uniquely them. Horse lovers have all done this at one time or the other. This exercise is a reminder to take a few minutes to bond with a horse in this way, provided that they are comfortable with you doing this. Comfort of our horses is paramount – we encourage trying this exercise only with a horse you know well and if you are able to monitor for signs of distress and back away or soothe the horse in other ways if they seem restless.
Take a few moments to breathe in and out. Notice your breathing and allow the rhythm of your breathing to occupy your attention. Standing near your horse, notice what they are doing at the moment. Notice their body position, if they seem tense or relaxed and the direction of their gaze. If they appear comfortable with you, reach out and gently touch their mane or withers. Next, lean in and inhale deeply near their mane or withers, while placing one hand on their neck. Notice how their coat feels under your palm and fingers. Notice the scent of your horse. Perhaps there are other smells in the air. Allow your mind to be fully present in the awareness of your horse’s scent. Keep your eyes open during this process for safety. When you choose, shift awareness onto something else.