We introduce a new series here today called the Mindful Guides. We count several people and animals as teachers or guides on this path towards living a life with more moments of mindful awareness. We cite some of these influences in our upcoming book project, Sharing The Now: Mindfulness Exercises to Enhance the Connection with Your Horse. Thich Nhat Hanh, a Buddhist monk and teacher, is one such Mindful Guide. Here is an excerpt of an exercise (Hanh, T.N., 1975, pp.79-80) from his book, The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation.
What does this have to do with horses? We think that the description of Half-Smile is similar to a state of soft eyes, or relaxed vision and presence that we can intend to adopt when approaching our horses. The connections to gratitude resonate with us also. We hope that you enjoy this mindfulness exercise and invite you to try this in the mornings and also in the field before you interact with your horses.
Half-smile when you first wake up in the morning
Hang a branch, any other sign, or even the word “smile” on the ceiling or wall so that you see it right away when you open your eyes. This sign will serve as your reminder. Use these seconds before you get out of bed to take hold of your breath. Inhale and exhale three breaths gently while maintaining the half smile. Follow your breaths.
Anywhere you find yourself sitting or standing, half-smile. Look at a child, a leaf, a painting on the wall, anything which is relatively still, and smile. Inhale and exhale quietly three times. Maintain the half smile and consider the spot of your attention as your own true nature.
Hanh, T.N. (1975, 1976). The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.