Horse Human Relationship Horse Mindfulness

Mindful Connection With Your Horse

Art courtesy of Elise Genest

We can set the intention to be fully present in any moment of the day, and intentionally choose to notice any aspect of this present moment. We invite you to tune in to the connection with your horse.

The next time you are with your horse, pause for a moment to notice how you feel towards him or her. Are you feeling connected? Are you bonded to your horse or do you feel disconnected? Tune in to the emotions you feel right now, and whether there is security or safety being near your horse. Allow things to be as they are. If you detect that you feel disconnected, notice this feeling even though it may be uncomfortable. Gently ask yourself; how can I feel more connected to my horse right now?

You may have ideas arising spontaneously when you pose this question to yourself. Alternatively, you may feel stuck or confused. Stay gentle with yourself and remember that there is no right or wrong way to complete this exercise. Even if you don’t know where to go from here, start by taking a few deep breaths. Look at your horse, perhaps reach out and touch him or her if you feel comfortable to do so. If ideas arise and you would like to try them out, go ahead and notice if that changes the connection with your horse. If you prefer, just notice how bonded you are, let things be as they are and move on to the next task. All you are doing is tuning in to reality. Mindfully notice and stay connected to your horse when you can.