The Human Animal Bond and Mindfulness Series: 2. Researched Benefits of the Human Animal Bond

We continue our Human Animal Bond Series today with Part 2. The Researched Benefits of the Human Animal Bond. As part of completing the introductory training offered by the Dreamcatcher Nature-Assisted Therapy Association and Healing Hooves Equine and Animal-Assisted Therapy, I’ve been able to review various research studies highlighting the value of the bond between humans and animals on several levels – emotional, physical, social and cognitive (or thoughts-based). There is certainly a need for…

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The Human Animal Bond and Mindfulness Series: 1. The Treasured Human Animal Bond

In our last article, we spoke of Magical Paws. This is an extension of that article into a series on the Human Animal Bond (HAB). Magical Paws was about the ways that being in the presence of animals can be an avenue for us to stay aware of the present moment. In the present moment is where animals inhabit their lives, and the companionship of animals can teach us about everyday mindfulness. That article also…

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