This blog is for anyone interested in learning how to be in the present moment with intention and curiosity; in other words, we hope that people can experience more moments of everyday mindful awareness by reading these posts and practicing the invitation to be PRESENT at more times of the day. Horses allow us to access such present moment awareness when we are in their presence. This is their gift to us, whether we realize this or not.
Some of our readers may have experienced the joy of being around horses. Those lucky enough to do this can attest to; 1. the peace felt when watching them out in the pasture, 2. the connectedness to nature felt in their presence (provided that one is in a receptive mind state where calm energy can be offered in return) and, 3. the focus applied when working with horses in task-based situations. Besides this, simply being with horses is another way to enter awareness of the present moment. Specifically, when we are with beings who naturally inhabit the present, it feels more natural to join them in that moment rather than being stuck in our heads or elsewhere. That’s how we feel CONNECTED on many levels – to horses, to whatever is happening right now, and to OURSELVES.
This post reflects on how intentionally tuning in to what arises when we are around horses can help us know aspects of our true selves. Noticing our physical sensations, thoughts and emotions around horses, even for brief moments, can offer us rich insight. Things are happening right now whether we know it or not, and setting the intention to be mindfully aware helps us to consciously realize those events more skilfully.
People often comment on feeling unconditional regard and acceptance around animals, and that they can be themselves without fearing judgment when they are with trusted pets. For many of us, our pets are some of our best friends. Horses help us through hard times in our lives, including losses and grief.
This painting, Spirits Transcending, created by artist Nancy Christy-Moore, is a striking illustration of how horses can help us navigate the most painful parts of life, and to rise above our circumstances to reconnect with the best parts of ourselves. They help us remember who we are and who we can be, no matter how hard things may get. Allowing connection to something real or authentic inside us, offering us the capacity to face our pain or the parts of ourselves that make us feel small, and reminding us of the hope we can feel again when we connect to living beings outside of ourselves, are all ways that horses help us heal.
We invite you to reflect on how being with horses, or animals as a whole, has helped you to cope with grief, disappointment or other challenging times. What have animals offered you that you found healing? How did they help you to rediscover what was truly important? We all need moments of transcendence in the everyday. Horses have helped our spirits transcend through times of doubt and sadness; how have they helped yours?